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3 questions key
to your
company's success:

What is required for a
buyer to organize around
your technology?
A lot of money has been made from adequate technology. Many times technology fails when the prospective buyer is not committed to changing the way it does things. When you know how to prepare the prospect for change, everyone has a good chance of succeeding.
What is your technical
approach to solving the
operational problem?
Most software is purchased because of its ability to do one thing. The method by which that one thing is done many times is the difference between winning and losing the market. Your method needs to make your one thing far superior to everyone else's one thing.
Is your technology easy to buy?
"Easy to Buy" really means enabling the buying team to agree amongst itself. When you align yourself with how the prospect wants to buy, you remove randomness from the selling process and you make your job much easier.

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